Have you enabled notifications on the NHS App?

If you are using the NHS App, you can choose if you want to receive notifications or not

Notifications are not available when you log in through the NHS website to access your services.

The NHS uses notifications to tell you when you have a new message, and we would strongly advise you to enable notifications. This is important as it means you won’t miss any messages coming through from the hospital, this could be an appointment reminder, a letter from the hospital, or to be informed that an appointment has had to be cancelled or rearranged.

How to manage your notification preferences

  1. Log into the NHS App

  2. Select the ‘Account’ icon in the top corner

  3. Select ‘Settings’

  4. Select ‘Manage Notification's’

  5. Follow the link to your device settings

Turning your notifications on or off can take up to 24 hours to take effect.

If you use the app on multiple devices, you will need to allow notifications on each device.

The NHS is always testing sending more messages to some app users. It is a convenient and secure way to get appointment reminders and other messages that would usually come via text messages or letters.

If you do not turn on notifications, you may not be sent some of these messages.